Showing 126 - 147 of 147 Results
Cuban Five : From the pages of the Militant by Waters, Mary-Alice ISBN: 9781604880410 List Price: $5.00
Cuban Five : Who they are. Why they were framed. Why they should be Free. from the pages of ... by Waters, Mary-Alice, Koppel,... ISBN: 9781604880380 List Price: $5.00
Los Cinco Cubanos : Qui�nes Son, Por Qu� les Fabricaron un Caso, Por Qu� Deben Ser Liberados by Waters, Mary-Alice, Koppel,... ISBN: 9781604880427 List Price: $5.00
Mujeres y Revolución : El Ejemplo Vivo de la Revolución Cubana Rústica by De los Santos, Asela, Water... ISBN: 9781604880496 List Price: $7.00
Los Cosm�ticos, Las Modas y la Explotaci�n de la Mujer by Hansen, Joseph, Reed, Evely... ISBN: 9781604880298 List Price: $15.00
Is Socialist Revolution in the US Possible? : A Necessary Debate among Working People by Waters, Mary-Alice, Sandler... ISBN: 9781604880908 List Price: $10.00
Absolved by Solidarity/Absueltos Por la Solidaridad : 16 Watercolors for 16 Years of Unjust ... by Guerrero, Antonio, Guerrero... ISBN: 9781604880724 List Price: $15.00
Garden of Many Waters : A Masque (Classic Reprint) by Buckton, Alice Mary ISBN: 9780259557531 List Price: $7.97
Is Socialist Revolution in the U.S. Possible? [Farsi] (Farsi Edition) by Mary-Alice Waters ISBN: 9789645783196 List Price: $7.00
Garden of Many Waters : A Masque (1907) by Buckton, Alice Mary ISBN: 9781161908121 List Price: $30.95
Nuestra Historia A�n Se Est� Escribiendo : La Historia de Tres Generales Cubano-Chinos en la... by Waters, Mary-Alice, Choy, A... ISBN: 9781604881035 List Price: $17.00
Garden of Many Waters : A Masque (Classic Reprint) by Buckton, Alice Mary ISBN: 9780483244627 List Price: $24.80
In Defense of the US Working Class by Waters, Mary-Alice ISBN: 9781604881073 List Price: $7.00
En Defensa de la Clase Trabajadora Noretamericana by Waters, Mary-Alice ISBN: 9781604881080 List Price: $7.00
Low Point of Labor Resistance Is Behind Us : The Socialist Workers Party Looks Forward by Barnes, Jack, Waters, Mary-... ISBN: 9781604881455 List Price: $10.00
Ya Superamos el Punto M�s Bajo de la Resistencia Del Pueblo Trabajador : El Partido Socialis... by Barnes, Jack, Waters, Mary-... ISBN: 9781604881462 List Price: $10.00
Che Guevara on Economics and Politics in the Transition to Socialism by Tablada, Carlos, Waters, Ma... ISBN: 9781604881240 List Price: $17.00
Che Guevara Sobre Econom�a y Pol�tica en la Transici�n Al Socialismo by Tablada, Carlos, Waters, Ma... ISBN: 9781604881257 List Price: $17.00
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